Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oops, She Wrote and Wuv, Twue Wuv

First, I must start with an apology and disclaimer. I got busted after my last post. Someone mentioned Alex's business plan to him. He was immediately suspicious. "How did you know about that?" he quizzed them. They tried to bluff him, claiming omniscience, but he didn't buy it. That afternoon when I picked him up from school he asked me, "Did you put my drawings on the Internet?" "Ummm, yeah." "Don't do that!" We've settled on a new rule: I can't put copyrighted (read: drawn by him) materials on the blog without prior approval of the artist (Alex). Luckily he didn't demand editorial approval over all of my blog posts. Which brings me to one he probably wouldn't like:

Yesterday while in Anderson we saw a girl in Michaels. Alex said, "That's ______'s sister." (Names have been omitted to protect people who are not my child.) Alex frequently thinks he knows people who merely look like them. It is a trait he gets from his father. Art and I have argued many times about actors who look like each other BUT AREN'T.

Anyway, I've only seen the sister in question once, so I couldn't confirm or deny. I told him maybe it was, and not to point (which he was not, he's gotten much better about that). We then rounded the corner and saw ________. You must understand, Alex really likes her. She is in his class and we hear about her regularly. I spent the next 20 minutes or so trying to get through my Michaels list and keep an eye on the two of them, who were chatting away like they hadn't seen each other in weeks. I finally got him to go across the store with me for thread and we left. I was bribing him to go through Michaels because he understands that I am incapable of going in and out of there for one item without wandering aimlessly. I let him time me and I was giving him a quarter for every 10 minutes it took. We clocked out at 40 minutes and he tried to claim a dollar. I told him that would not work because it was not my fault. I ended up giving him the dollar anyway.

Here is our conversation on the way out to the car:

Alex:  Do you like _______, Mom?
Shelley: You know I do.
Alex: Good.
Shelley: Why? You planning on marrying her, bringing her into the family?
Alex: Actually, yes.
Shelley: Does she know about this?
Alex: No, Mom! True love takes time. It's not like we can marry at 7.

I'm pretty sure I deserve mom points for not falling to the ground at this point. I did have to type myself an email on my phone while I pretended to put our bags in the trunk. I wanted to make sure I had this down for posterity! And for _______, just in case she is my future daughter-in-law.