Tuesday, March 9, 2010

News of the Weird

Alex and Art got their boomerang stuck about twenty feet up in a tree in the backyard. (Yes, "their" boomerang.) It was just barely hanging from a little branch. First they threw sticks at it, and narrowly avoided beaning each other. Then they moved on to a football, a rock, stick with string tied around it, an extended tape measure (that was really funny when it bent) and finally two pieces of 10 foot plastic conduit tied together. That was what finally got it down. Somewhere between the football and stick with string I went inside and got my camera. I took pictures for my blog. Art was a bit indignant about that. Tough - I told him he could get his own blog if he wanted to tell his side of the story! Unfortunately between the distance I had to stand back (for my own safety) and the twilight, the pictures aren't very good. The picture on the top left shows the lowest branch on the white pine - where it was stuck. The one on the top right shows Alex capering around while Art works on their tools. This one here is Alex avoiding missile throws into the tree. He took off yelling, "Take cover!"
At bedtime tonight Alex announced that he was taking hugs but not kisses. I told him that it was in the mommy manual that I had to have at least one kiss. He is very skeptical about there being an actual manual. I told him it was top-secret and he couldn't see it.
He came home yesterday and said, "There's going to be a new tree in a few days." Very proud of himself. I asked if they planted a tree. Last year they planted grass seed at school, so I thought it was some kind of project. "Yes, we dug a hole, spit in it and put an acorn in. They need water to grow." I asked WHO did this, "Me, Augustus and Peyton, on the playground." I guess if they stick to spitting in the ground and not at each other it'll be okay. Art said to be glad that they didn't find any alternate ways to water it. I'm afraid they're going to be disappointed if it doesn't sprout soon. I'll let you know if we grow a tree!

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