Friday, June 17, 2011

NOT Old Enough to Know Better

Last week Alex and I were in The Beaded Tiger to get a couple of bracelets that I'd broken fixed. Everyone who works there is remarkably tolerant of the million or so questions Alex asks about the beads, the tools, what they are doing and everything else he can think of. At one point he asked the very nice lady rebuilding my bracelet, "How old are you?" Before I could say anything she said, "Old enough to know better." Alex considered that for a moment, then she asked him, "Alex, how old are you?" He immediately answered, "NOT old enough to know better!" Isn't that the truth!

Which brings us to the other little incident from last week. As Art went to get him out of the tub, there was a thump, splash and yelling from both of the guys. I went in to see what the problem was. Alex was out of the tub, Art was fussing at him and most everything was wet. What happened? Art walked in to find Alex going up into a handstand IN THE TUB. Yes, there was water in the tub, and no, it doesn't help that he had goggles on. He apparently was on his hands and knees, lowering his face into the water to look with his goggles. That gave him the notion to just kick his legs on over into a handstand. More fussing was done. Alex's theory that you can't drown in three inches of water was refuted, more or less scientifically. Case in point: NOT old enough to know better!

1 comment:

  1. I miss Alex's questions!! I hope you guys are doing well and I can't wait to get back to The Beaded Tiger :)
