Monday, January 14, 2013

Slow Start on Monday

I'm having a foggy day. It's rainy and yucky but this is mostly mental fog. I've got some kind of sinus thing going on and I had to take a decongestant last night so I could breathe. Unfortunately it lets me breathe but I don't sleep too well. I made it to 2 am or so when I woke up to go to the bathroom. After that I tossed and turned, contemplating all sorts of important (ha) stuff and singing "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" by the Scissor Sisters in my head.

When I made it to the shower a little after 6, I was trying to wake myself up by repeating "This is Monday. Today is the 14th." (Which I really hope it is because its too late to change mantras now.)

I was better after the shower but in the way to school Alex starts asking me questions. He's been big on origins lately. I think he wants to know who, exactly, to blame. So, in the drop-off line at school he asks, "Who invented school?" I told him it was probably a cave mom who wanted to get the kids out of the cave so she could clean. He thought that was funny. "Yeah, I bet they went to Caveman Elementary BC - it was BC, right?"

Yes, that would be BC, I told him.

"Mom, what does BC stand for?"

Again the fog was closing in on my brain. I don't need this before 8 am and before I've taken in any kind of caffeine. But I was a history major so I launched into BC, AD, what they stood for and then moved on to Common Era and BCE. I think Alex glazed over around the CE point. Thankfully we reached the front of the line and he had to get out.

So much for trying to convince myself that Coca-Cola is not a breakfast drink.

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