Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Continuing Saga of Satellite TV

The satellite guy left at 10:30 last night. Yes, that is correct, 10:30 pm. I was so tired - I no longer cared if we had TV. Art figured out how to use the remotes and was surfing the amazing array of channels when I went to bed. At least he was until the storm hit, and it knocked out the satellite temporarily. (Luckily we're not sports fans here: the College World Series was in the final inning of the 2nd game, which USC eventually won.) Anyway, the point being all was well and working when I went to bed.

Then, Alex got up this morning before us. I assumed (ha!) that he'd sleep late since he'd been up later than usual while the TV guy was here. Nope, he popped up at his usual time and when I came into the living room he was trying to find his cartoons on the new super-duper TV. He had both remotes in his hand and was facing 42" of snow. Uh-oh. Alex asked if this was his fault. I told him that he shouldn't have messed with the remotes, but that Dad shouldn't have left them out either. I tried everything I knew to do but still no satellite, no TV and no picture. I went back to bed. Really. Art saved the day. He found the one tiny button that Alex hit accidentally and hit it again causing everything to revert to normal. Art said when he walked into the living room Alex greeted him with, "Dad, it's your fault that the TV is messed up." Way to deflect the blame!

At the library this afternoon Alex got another reward for 90 more minutes of reading (or being read to, in his case). The prize was a flipping frog. We had to ask exactly how this was supposed to work. It is basically a green rubber frog that you can shoot like a rubber band. Just what every house needs. Seriously, give me the word and YOUR house could have one very quickly. Alex has named it Frogaga.

Other breaking news of the day: Alex announced he has a girlfriend. Skyler is the lucky girl. Art asked if Skyler knew about this but I haven't heard. Since Skyler's grandpa is an awesome pizza maker this is not such a bad thing. In fact, we had pizza and calzones from his place for supper to celebrate. Okay, we had them for supper because the errands to the library and Lowe's took way too long and I no longer had time to cook. Either way, it's good food. While we were in Lowe's Alex collected paint chips to help him decide what color to paint the rooms in the hotel he is building in our back yard. I'll keep everyone posted on the completion date - it should make it way easier for us to have guests!

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