Monday, November 8, 2010

Hawaii, Arizona and Us

The junior member of our household (like Hawaii & Arizona) refuses to recognize the time change. I have hopes that he will over time but the past two mornings haven't been fun.

5:17 AM, Sunday - Alex is up, comes to our room. Since he is incapable of remaining still while awake, he has to leave the bed within a couple of minutes. Here he encounters another problem. When Art goes to bed at night, he puts the TV on Cartoon Network so Alex just has to turn it on when he gets up. This buys us precious minutes of sleep we would otherwise spend blearily trying to find the "right" channel in the early morning hours. Well, before 6 AM Cartoon Network is not for kids. So, I crawled out to start his Scooby Doo DVD for him. (Thank you, library, for finding a movie for him that we haven't already seen a million times!) By 9 AM he was under the covers on the couch, but he successfully resisted napping throughout the day.

5:46 AM, Monday - I hear the familiar, thump, thud, thud, thud, pad, pad, pad (hardwood to carpet). Alex climbs in on my side. "Mom, is this a day off?" "No." "Awwww." I completely understand, especially before 6 AM on a Monday morning.

At least it is Hat Day at school. This is the Spirit of Giving Week leading up to Thanksgiving. They've got big plans. It's a kind of a combination of spirit week and a food drive. Tomorrow is Crazy Sock Day (Alex has red and black argyles), then they move on to favorite sports team shirt day, Veterans Day is red, white and blue, and then Clemson orange, purple and white day for a visit by the football team. While exciting, it also means that I must actually pay attention to what TWO people wear all week. (Alex and I are the only ones I really worry about though I reserve the right to make snarky comments about Art's clothing choices and exercise occasional veto power over said choices.)

Oh, Hat Day? He's wearing a brown foam cowboy hat. Not to my taste but it was his first choice and if he loses it, it cost less than $3!

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