Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowed In: Day 2

The snow is still beautiful but much of the excitement has worn off in the Holbrooks' household. No one has attempted to go outside this morning. We played in the yard for about an hour yesterday, mainly running around and trying out Alex's new sled. After 20 minutes he announced that his butt was frozen, and he was done sledding. Later in the day he loaned it to our neighbors who did not understand that we weren't interested in going out again.

All of our school and work has been cancelled for the day. Not sure if we'll get out tomorrow, either. Luckily, we have bread and milk, those all-important staples of the South when snow or ice is threatening. (I did have to go to the grocery store Sunday night for the milk - since we drink organic skim milk, they still had a good supply.)

Right now, I'm pretending to do something constructive on the computer while Art and Alex play a made-up game with made-up rules in the living room. I'm pretty sure the object of the game is for Art to lose. Every time he tries to do something, he's stopped on a technicality. I don't think he understands the game!

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