Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yakety-Yak & Tooth Fairy Feedback

Shocker: Alex got in trouble for talking too much at school yesterday. (I know, this is hard to believe.) He "pulled" two ants for talking but didn't get to the dreaded third anthill. However, it was bad enough that he was made to eat lunch by himself as punishment. I tried to play this up:

Me: "Oh, I bet it was no fun to eat all alone without your friends."
(I was kind of feeling sorry for him.)
Alex: "It was great - I got a whole table to myself!"

Our little optimist - a real glass-half-full kind of guy.

Art figures it defeated the purpose by, essentially, giving him a stage for the whole cafeteria to watch him. Apparently he did better today. He claims that his teacher said, and I quote, that "he did pretty more better today." (Doesn't really sound like her but he didn't bring a note home, at least.)

He's not admitting to any more loose teeth these days. I think there's at least one more that is loose but it must not be very loose. The new tooth is coming in nicely and moving into the right space. I was worried there for a little while.

In an impromptu neighborhood moms and moms-to-be meeting last week I told two of our neighbors about our tooth travails. Raquel happens to be from Spain, and I asked her if they had the tooth fairy. She confirmed that they did. "Wait, is it the tooth FAIRY?" Well, no, it is a mouse named "El Ratoncito Perez." We should have gone next door for our information. That first toothless night would have been a lot easier! Leslie mentioned that the tooth fairy at her house once had an unfortunate incident in the night, accidentally leaving $20 instead of $1 because of poor lighting.

Of course, all bets are off when Alex loses his second tooth. We checked "Throw Your Tooth on the Roof" out of the school library so we could do some research here at home. Then I just ordered our own copy online. Surprisingly mice and other creatures play a large part in global tooth disposal. Next time, Alex says he's going to throw his tooth. He also considered wrapping it in bread and feeding it to a dog. I told him the neighbors' dogs are off limits.

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