Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Being Eight is Hard

Some days I feel like I'm treading carefully through a minefield. Who knew that 8 years of age brings a level of maturity and dignity that must not be taken lightly (especially by moms)?! Our first example: this morning we were listening to the radio on the way to school when Cody Simpson came on. In a late-breaking news flash, I was notified that he is not on the verboten list. He joins Justin Bieber as an artist who must not be listened to in public. I switched to the XM Kids station while we were in line for the school drop-off. I haven't been allowed to listen to that station in some time as it was deemed "babyish" and fine for "when I was younger". We jammed to some sort of music by a gummy bear. (Don't ask.) Then, as we pulled to a stop, Alex said, "Turn the radio, don't let anyone hear that!" Who could hear it? The 5th graders who open the car doors. Apparently, I narrowly avoided social death by changing the station to The Bob Edwards Show.

Next case in point, tomorrow's Book & Blanket Day in Alex's classroom. Their class is counting down to the end of school by celebrating A to Z activities. (Today was Awesome Art Day, though Alex thought it was boring. He's a tough crowd.) The kids are supposed to bring a blanket and book from home to enjoy tomorrow afternoon. I was wondering if the blanket wasn't too childish for Alex. This morning I asked him what book he was going to take. "You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Gladiator." Okay, that was easy. Which of your blankets are you going to take? "I don't know yet, Mom, but it can't be any that are VALUABLE." So, Green Blankie is off the table. After a search through the closet this evening he found an acceptable small afghan I made him in turquoise and lime green. I guess he's not emotionally attached to it enough to make it "valuable"!

Last but not least is the baby boom in our neighborhood. We have two neighbors and a nearby friend who will have new babies in May, June and October. Yesterday Leslie (who is due in October) reminded Alex that he'd suggested Dragon for their first child. That morphed into Drake, and Alex has always been proud that he "named" Drake. Leslie told him that he needed to think of some more names for them to consider for the new baby. Since he thought outside of the box so well two-plus years ago, maybe he could pick another winner. His suggestions? John and Melissa. We all looked at him like he'd sprouted a second head. I thought about it for a while and realized maybe he thinks John and Melissa are exotic - I don't know of any kid in his school that is called either of those. They do have plenty whose given names are John, but they all go by Jack. Leslie and I told him to think on it for a while.

In the twenty-four hours since that conversation he has come up with a few things. Last night he suggested "Josh." I pointed out that Josh wasn't exactly an uncommon name. Alex just thought it would be funny to have Drake & Josh - like the Nickelodeon TV show about a pair of brothers. Leslie remembered that Bo was his girl suggestion last time. He said if Drake had been a girl they could now have Bo and Arrow (for the second child). I told him I didn't think that would fly. Now he's moved on to Greek mythology, his old standby. I'm not sure how Leslie and Dave are going to feel about Athena and Hermes, though.

In addition to all this emotional maturity, he's still growing like a weed. Alex now measures 53 inches, or 4 feet, 5 inches. I'm going to hold on to the last 13 inches I have over him for as long as possible!

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