Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 2: Abbott & Costello-ing it Up/Day 3: Destination Mimi & Paw's

Our second day on the road went smoothly. Alex began watching Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstein as soon as we left the hotel. We listened to maniacal giggling from the backseat for almost two hours. We had good weather for the most part and only saw one accident - a tractor-trailer overturned in the opposite lane.

In Jackson, Mississippi we introduced Alex to one of our favorite places to stop along the way. There is a great lunch spot called Broad Street Bakery there, and the food is to die for. Art had gumbo, Alex had a luscious grilled cheese on fresh made bread with Zapp's potato chips and I had an awesome cheese pizza on focaccia bread. I also had to get one of their red velvet cupcakes for dessert. Alex got a cathead chocolate chip cookie with his meal. Seriously, it was the size of a salad plate.

I was allowed to drive from Jackson on. As we got to the Mississippi River the sky got very dark. As we got into the delta it looked worse and worse. (I think it looks so bad because you can see so far there.) We watched lightning for a few miles, then the rain hit. The temperature dropped 20 degrees. We finally had to pull off the interstate because the rain was so heavy. I couldn't see a thing. All the eighteen-wheelers pulled over to the shoulder. It was a little unnerving that the exit we got off at was Tallulah - where the tornado struck a few weeks ago. After 10 minutes or so, we were able to go on.

We made it to Mimi's office with no further excitement. Alex and I went with her to see Granny at her new place. She moved to the nursing home a few months after our last visit. They have ducks and baby ducks and a nice pond. More importantly, Santa may live there. There was a man with a long white beard in a wheelchair who greeted us with "Ho, ho, ho!" Alex is almost convinced that Santa hangs out there in the off season. We are going to assign Granny to keep an eye on him.

Today Alex is hanging out with the grandparents and waiting for Uncle Brad to arrive this afternoon. He's been up since 5:45 a.m., so I told him he may need a nap before dinner tonight. He was okay with it. He was concerned to learn this morning while watching the news that the oil spill was on their TV as well. We told him it was in Louisiana and he was quite distressed. We explained that it was on the ocean side of LA, which is a good way off, like the ocean side of SC. More on the visit later (and pictures).

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