Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On the Road

Alex was packed and ready to go last night before he went to bed. He woke me up at 4:41 a.m., saying that he'd had a bad dream. He got in bed with us, but that was too many people in too little bed. After a few minutes I went back to his room with him. He told me about his dream. A bear had killed his preschool teacher and was chasing he and his classmates. Needless to say, it took a while to get him settled down. A little after 6 I went back to my own bed. The next thing I knew it was 7:45 and Art was getting ready to go. I asked if Alex was up yet - Art said he'd been up since 10 minutes after I came back to our room. So much for sleeping late.

While Art ran in to the office for a few minutes, Alex and I got ready. We had all of our stuff ready to go when he got back. Alex was wheeling his suitcase up and down the hall asking me, "May I show you to your room?" We have a budding bellboy on our hands.

The first leg of our trip was thankfully uneventful (yes, I am knocking on wood). Hopefully we'll get to Mimi and Paw's tomorrow with a minimum of trouble. There was one argument today that arose from Alex's fundamental misunderstanding of the X-Men. I finally gave up. And, yes, I realize it's partly (at least) my hard head that started it. Since he has never seen the X-Men movies, for obvious reasons, he thinks Wolverine is X-Man. He will brook no opposition in this matter. I can't let it go. He doesn't think my being able to read is enough of a qualification to believe I know what I'm talking about. Somewhere around Birmingham I gave up.

Art and I did learn something over supper. While waiting an incredibly long time for our food at Cracker Barrel, I was playing with the little wooden peg/golf tee game. I finished with a pathetic five pegs left and told the boys that the game said that made me an ignoramous. Art said perhaps we shouldn't add that word to Alex's vocabulary at this point. Alex announced, "I heard that ignoramous is Japanese for 'loser'." I thought Art and I were going to hurt ourselves. We'll keep you posted if we learn any more Japanese!

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