Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to the Dining Room of Presidents!

This morning I was going back and forth through the dining room, getting ready for work, while Art and Alex were eating breakfast. Alex's class is apparently learning a little bit about different presidents. Or else he's picking this stuff up on the streets.

Alex: Did Thomas Jefferson have Napoleon?
Art: What?
Alex: You know, the disease, Napoleon.
Art: Oh, Franklin Roosevelt had polio.
Alex: Yeah, that's it. Was he in the Civil War?
Art: No, that was Abraham Lincoln.
Alex: Oh.

A few minutes later we were cleaning the kitchen up when he came up to me. "Mom, you know, polio - that's a bad disease." I was thinking Napoleon was no great shakes for lots of people who lived between Paris and Moscow but I decided not to go into that for now.

Later this evening, after we ate supper, we went out for a walk and the conversation turned to Napoleon again.

Art: Do you know who Napoleon was?
Me: Famous dead dude. (Everyone really should see Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.)
Alex: Yeah, he was a famous general.
Art: Of what country?
Alex: Alaska?
Art: No, France.

Thankfully that was all for historic personages today. Alex had a rough time at school so we're ready for the weekend. When I picked him up this afternoon he was short a water bottle, lunch box, keychain that he made in science class AND he'd cut a hole in his shirt during art. Threats were made. The most effective: any more holes cut in shirts and I'm going to applique flowers and little pink ponies on them.

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