Sunday, September 12, 2010

Late Breaking News

Alex is still awake at almost 9 pm. His standard reply when you tell him he needs to go to sleep is "I only go to sleep at midnight." That's all the sleep your average superhero robot types need, apparently. I went back to try to talk him down. I said, "Maybe your nap this afternoon is keeping you awake." In a highly unusual development, Alex fell asleep in the car on the way back from Art's parents' today. I always fall asleep on the way home but he rarely does. Anyway, he disputed the claim: "I did not sleep. I drinked too much and needed to rest." What did you drink? "You know, that chocolate milkshake." Ahh, Sonic's chocolate milkshakes have put many on the path to nap-ness. Let's hope he gives up soon because I am going to sleep shortly whether he does or not.

He did tell me about a disturbing dream he had last week. From the backseat of the car, "I have big dreams, you know." I thought this might involve the hotel he wants to build in the backyard. "It had Miss Brandy in it." (His former preschool teacher.) This could be interesting. They were pretty tired of one another by the time he left preschool. "Yeah, she turned into a werewolf and eat EVERYONE. Peyton was the last to go." Oh, dear. "I'm sorry, that sounds awful." "Yes, it was HORRIBLE!" Sweet dreams, everyone!

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