Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear Little Wolf (Book 1 of 2013)

I was inspired this week by an article on slate.com. The columnist made a resolution to finish 365 books last year. Not always one a day, but he made it to 365 before year end. Some were audiobooks, some were graphic novels or collections of comics, but a lot were books. He had two guiding principles: choose shorter books and the reading shouldn't get in the way of real life with his family and friends.

I would love to be able to read as much as I want. I sometimes think I would be perfectly happy sitting in a hammock and reading for most of the day. Maybe I could throw in meals and occasional naps to break the time up. It's a goal, anyway.

So, in the spirit of 365 books in a year, we are starting with our first one today: Dear Little Wolf by Ian Whybrow. Little Wolf stars in a series of books that are very popular with Alex. (He started with Little Wolf's Book of Badness at the beginning of the school year.) Here is Alex's review, in his own words - I just took dictation:

"This book is about Little Wolf. Little Wolf is a wolf that goes on adventures. He can't stick with one school, he just changes them. He makes schools. He made an adventure academy, he made a scaring hall school, well, thousands, not thousands of others, a lot. In this book Little Wolf is a writer in a newspaper in Beastshire. Beastshire is a country that only animals live in. It's one of those books where all of the people are animals. Little Wolf helps people out. (Shelley: he is an advice columnist.) He calls himself the "agony nephew." One letter was for babysitting a little kid. Little Wolf said if they wet their knickers, the babysitter should, too, so they won't feel sad. Little Wolf is not a reliable guy. It's always not good advice."

Me: "Would you recommend this book?"

Alex: "Yes, because it's really, really funny. I think they would like it if they like funny things."

So, there you have it, our first review of the year. Happy New Year and hope you are reading something good!

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