Monday, February 21, 2011

Toothwatch, Week 1

The dentist told us more than a year ago that a couple of Alex's bottom teeth were loose. Nothing happened though, but now his combined kindergarten/first grade class is a hotbed of Tooth Fairy gossip. In January they learned about calendars and they counted how many classmates' birthdays were in January and how many teeth were lost in the month. Seven teeth lost thus far.

Well, finally, the Tooth Fairy is nigh. Alex told me that one bottom tooth was wiggly. I try not to stick my fingers in his mouth, and discourage him from doing so, too, but I made an exception here. Then, one night I happened to catch him open-mouthed near a lamp. The permanent tooth is all the way in, right behind the baby tooth. I can't imagine how he didn't notice it. I called Art in for an inspection. I was afraid that it was going to scar him for life, at least orthodontically speaking. So, the next afternoon we trekked to our dentist, Dr. John. Before he came in the hygienist inspected Alex. He wouldn't sit back in the chair, but he did let her look in his mouth. (She bribed him with Toy Story 3 on the TV in the room.) From the array of tools she put on the tray I could tell she was planning on pulling the tooth that day. It normally takes two to three people holding Alex down for them to clean his teeth, so I was not looking forward to telling him they might pull his tooth out. Thankfully, Dr. John came in and told me we had nothing to worry about. He thinks the tooth will come out on its own soon without any interference from a professional. I could tell he was weighing the options and how much ensuing chaos each would cause. We decided to give it a couple of weeks. So, if the tooth's not out on its own by March 1st, we need to get it pulled. EVERYONE, CROSS YOUR FINGERS!

I asked Alex if I should get to work and make him a little pillow to put the tooth out for the Tooth Fairy. He explained what happens if it falls out at school. "Well, you go to the nurse, because it WILL bleed. Then, she cleans you up and you get a little treasure box or necklace shaped like a tooth to put the tooth in and carry it home. And you get a prize." If a prize is involved, all his teeth may come out at school. Of course, if that's the case there's only at 50/50 chance we'll ever see them, considering the jackets, lunch boxes, etc., that get left at school regularly.

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