Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Word of the Day: Sabotage? #@$*?

For those of you not familiar with kindergarten education these days, let me introduce you to "popcorn words". There are 42 words that kindergarteners have to recognize by sight before the end of the school year. So, Alex's class all got Crystal Light canisters full of teeny flash cards of these words. He carries them back and forth from school and is supposed to work on them there and at home.

Alex's biggest problem is himself. He knows more words than he will admit. And, if he stops and thinks about them and sounds them out, he knows almost every one. To get him to go through all of them, though, is pure torture. We were struggling through words like "go," "up," "you," "me" and so on when we got to "said." Alex eyeballed it a minute then came up with "sabotage!" Yeah, 'cause that's a good word for kindergarteners!

Later on we were watching a video that Brad did for a band called People On Vacation. It's pretty cool. He filmed the two guys in the band in front of a green screen, and then added animation behind them afterwards. Most of the lyrics appear on the screen as they sing them. Which was fine until mid-way through the song when a four-letter word appeared. I threw my hand over Alex's eyes. "Mom, I can't read." Well, I'm pretty sure you could sound that one out. So far, he has not. At least not when I could hear him. Thanks, Uncle Brad!

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