Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In the News

Alex was in the living room while we got dinner ready last night. Art had the TV on the news and apparently Alex was actually watching it. He came into the kitchen and announced, "The people in Haiti have had enough and they are going to another state." I don't blame them. I think what he saw was a story on some of the injured being airlifted to Florida. Who knows.

When I picked him up from school today he was in timeout. I couldn't get the reason why out of him. When I asked how his day was he told me, "That's really none of your business." Sigh. I told him we didn't talk to each other like that. That was several hours ago, and I still don't know why he was in timeout. There was a timeout on Monday and the teacher explained that it wasn't so much for the offense as it was that he showed a complete lack of remorse. I told her to get used to it.

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