Monday, February 1, 2010

Superheroes, Spies and the Icestorm that Wasn't

Alex finished up his birthday thank you notes this week. I noticed on the ones to his friends he added extra letters to his name, so that his signature read "A-L-E-X-o-i." I asked what they were. "Oh, when I put those letters on it, that's my spy name."

The big news around here Friday evening was the coming ice and snow. It did not look good for us as it got dark. Alex had a birthday party to go to Saturday, but I just knew that it was going to be cancelled. Finally, right before his bedtime, there was a dusting of snow. We went out on the driveway so that we could see it on the car and the deck, and he could catch a few snowflakes on his tongue. (I stopped him from eating what he scooped off the car!) Saturday morning, when we got up, it was a bust. Almost no snow, and nothing on the roads. We had about an hour to get ready and get a gift before the party. We met other parents at Wal-Mart, though, so we weren't the only ones who were misled by the weatherman.

The birthday party was at our gym, and the kids were supposed to swim. Alex really wanted to go to the party, but told us that he wasn't going to swim, no way, no how. In fact, as we walked in from the parking lot he told me, "I want you to know, I am not even putting a toe in the water!" Yes, sir, understood! The cake, games and presents came first, and they had a ball. Jack had a blue Lego cake and they ran all over the place. Then came time for everyone to change into their swim trunks. I'd convinced Alex to let me bring them with us, just in case he wanted to change and hang around by the pool. First, he wouldn't go out to the pool. I told him we'd just go tell the guys bye on our way out. When we got to the indoor, heated pool, he decided we could stay and watch the others playing. Then, blessed event, he had to potty. He decided in the bathroom that maybe he could change into his trunks and sit by the pool. We hadn't gotten out of the dressing room good when he was on the first step. He stayed on the first two steps the whole time (except when one of his buddies pulled him further, thank goodness for floaties), and had a ball. When we left he told me, "This was the bestest party EVER!"

We were disappointed that we didn't get more snow as the day went on. I explained to Alex that weathermen "predict" and what that meant. He was indignant. "When I do the weather," (he filmed a segment at the children's museum last month) "the things I say happen. I make them happen." Turns out that's one of his superhero powers - weather control.

Since there wasn't any ice around here, they started back to school at the usual time this morning. I heard him waking up about 6:30 this morning, tossing and turning and whimpering. I asked him, "What's wrong?" He thought for a second. "My stomach hurts. I don't want to go to school, and I still can't fly." That's a lot to face on a Monday morning. But maybe I need to change my attitude. Maybe if I expected the power of flight (or invisibility or super-strength) when I got up in the morning, one day I might get it. Hope springs eternal!

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