Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Abnormally Good Day

Here's a phrase that you love to hear when you pick your child up in the afternoon: "He was abnormally good today!" Oh, thanks. He didn't nap during naptime but he stayed on his mat. At this point I checked his forehead to make sure he didn't have fever. The teacher already had.

I thought that school might be more of a problem today. Last night as he was going to bed I asked Alex how computer class went that morning. It was okay, he said, but the teacher didn't let him do the CD he wanted, she made him do the one she wanted. I explained that this was often the way that school went. Which reminded him, "Why am I still at this school anyway? I'm 5 now! I can go to kindergarten!" I knew this might be a problem. We've been telling him for two years that he couldn't go to school until he was five. Well, that's here now, and he is ready. I explained that you couldn't start in the middle and that he had to wait until August. I'm sure we haven't heard the last about the subject.

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