Monday, January 4, 2010

I Told You I Was Sick!

Today was our first day back to work and school and it was tough for everyone. Art has been off for a couple of weeks, Alex had been off for 4 days, and me for 3. This morning Alex refused to get dressed, eat breakfast, etc. He told me he didn't feel good. When I asked what hurt, he said his nose. Not a terribly impressive symptom, I thought. I made him eat (some), dress and go. It was an ordeal getting him into school, but, again, sometimes that's just the way it is.

The teacher called a little before 2. I told her not to tell me he was really sick. She said they didn't think so at first either, they thought he just REALLY didn't want to be there. Then he got a fever. We are on intensive Pokeman watching therapy now with a doctor's appointment at 5. That should be fun! And, of course, Dad has a meeting tonight. Keep your fingers crossed that it's just a cold.

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