Thursday, March 25, 2010

Imaginary Allergies?

School today went a bit better. No teachers were waiting at the door for me. Well, actually, Sarah was, but only because the door has this annoying sticking habit and I had to bang on the window until they came and let me in. (Another annoying thing - does Alex say "actually" so much because I do, or is it the other way around?)

Alex and I headed to the library. We had to get new Transformer movies to watch and Magic School Bus books to read. (He is currently on a volcano, underground, geology kind of kick.) On the way Krabby was calling my name and Alex was pretending that he hadn't heard anything when I answered.

Me: Why isn't Krabby at work?
Alex: Oh, he's sick today.
Me: I'm sorry, what's wrong with him?
Alex: He's been sneezing like crazy. I think it's allergies.

(Lots of miniature crab-like sneezes from the backseat. Of course I'm just guessing what crab-like sneezes sound like.)

Alex: Krabby's girlfriend is about to have their first baby.
Me: Oh, really? What's her name?
Alex: Samanda.

We left that particular topic there. We have enough imaginary critters that I don't really want to encourage more of them, and I'm not touching the whole unwed imaginary animals subject with a ten foot pole.

Tomorrow is "T" show and tell. As he went to bed he had decided to take toast. I wonder if he'll be the only one.

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