Saturday, March 13, 2010

S is for Slinky and Strikeouts

Alex is thrilled that they are almost to "x" in the alphabet. I'm not sure why, maybe because it is the last letter in his name that they haven't studied. I'm kind of afraid that he thinks this whole education thing will be over once they have the alphabet mastered. After all, he can already count to 17. What more do you need?

Friday he took his Slinky for show and tell. Our first choice was his stuffed snake whose tongue pulls out, then the snake slithers across the floor as it winds back up. Unfortunately it is not a large snake and we could not find it in the boy's room. I'm sure it's just misfiled - he keeps it in such good order.

My boss left today for vacation and left baseball tickets for us. It wasn't raining so we headed to the baseball field. It takes all of 5 minutes to get from our house to the field. Clemson was playing NC State which may or may not have been important. It was the first ACC Conference game, or something. (Baseball is not a sport I have the attention span to watch.) It was a double header and we arrived in the fourth inning of the first game. There were a lot of people there, apparently there are a lot of die-hard baseball fans. I thought it might be emptier since spring break started today. We had to park a good ways out and slowly made our way to the seats. I think we made it through two innings. And they were fast innings. Alex professed, "I don't even like baseball. I like football. Can we go to a football game?" I tried to explain about sports seasons, but I don't think he really cared. He did say it would be better if he could actually play - he was astonished to learn that there were boys' baseball teams. I told him maybe we could think about doing that later. Hopefully, much later. We were back at the car: entire trip, one hour. I decided that was my last baseball game for a while. I'm not going to inflict sports upon someone who doesn't want to watch or play. I don't care enough about them! I didn't even get a chance to take out my crocheting.

Thursday we went to a kids' reading event at the library. The theme was pajamas and Alex was decked out in his favorite pair. College students read stories to the kids and then helped them make a craft relating to the book. I think he picked the first one just for the craft: they made trail mix and could eat it right then. The problem came up at the end, and you all know there was a problem. Alex wore his Ben 10 Alien Force pajamas. They are new and he thinks they are the coolest thing in the universe. He thought everyone would love them as much as he did. At the end of the evening they gave a prize for the "most creative" pajamas. When Michelle, the leader, announced she was ready to award the prize, Alex stood up. I asked him where he was going. "To get my prize!" Alas, he was not the winner. Luckily I was able to stop him and explain things before he got to the front of the room. He still thinks he has the coolest pajamas.

On our way out to the library we met Art coming in from the gym a couple of blocks from the house. We stopped and rolled down our windows and talked for a second. As he drove off Alex told me, "I REALLY like that guy." Good to hear.

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