Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random Pieces of Our Week So Far

Krabby has gotten a job, it seems. He is working at Subway, taking orders and making sandwiches. (For those of you who don't know Krabby, he is Alex's imaginary crab friend.) It's about time he started bringing in some money. I hope Subway's management has better luck with him than I do. He causes an awful lot of trouble around here, if you believe a certain little curly-headed boy.

Yesterday was a fun day. Driving home from work, on my way to get Alex, I hit a rather large hole in the side of the road. I knew immediately there was a problem, and not just because the flagman on the construction site was looking at my car in alarm. I was out in the country so I had to drive a little before I pulled into the county airport parking lot. (It was only half a mile or so, and there wasn't a good place on the side of the road before then.) I'd managed to knock the tire off the wheel. AAA was there in less than an hour and Art got to pick up Alex. They came to the airport to get me and got to watch the tow truck load the car up. Alex was watching out of the jeep window. I was worried that he might be upset about the car so I went over to talk to him. What did he have to say to me? "Hi, Mom. Do you have my snack?" Art committed the cardinal sin of picking him up without a snack and drink in hand. Luckily, I was prepared, and got the necessary supplies out of the car before it was taken away. Mostly-happy ending: I had to have a new tire but nothing else was damaged.

The Abbott & Costello film festival is over for the time being. The movie was due back at the library yesterday. We did get to watch "Ride 'Em Cowboy" before we had to return it. Highlights: Ella Fitzgerald sang and they bottle-fed a baby pig. (I just like baby pigs.) Alex is perfecting his imitation of Costello calling Abbott (whose name was Chick in one, Chuck in another)when he's scared, "Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chuck!!!!" It's pretty good. I haven't told him yet but I got another one for him from Netflix, so we're all set for family movie night!

I got to the school this afternoon wondering what today's report might bring. I was greeted with, "This place is TORTURE!" I'm pretty sure some of the teachers would agree. I know I would working with that many preschoolers. His main complaints are they have dumb movies and they tried to serve him a sugar wafer for snack when he wanted a chocolate chip cookie. Also, Hunter, who regular readers will remember, is still following him around and trying to trip him. Alex says he is making an effort to report transgressions instead of dealing with them himself. I'm not sure how well that's working as he had "four or five" timeouts today for hitting. Art threatened to take away his Bakugan toys if we kept hearing this report. Hopefully that makes an impression.

I think it did. He helped me set the table for supper, then ate, actually ATE, not just pushed around on his plate, garlic mashed potatoes, honey ginger glazed carrots and chicken. Then he had "cinnamon" bread for dessert. I successfully mashed the bananas and mixed them in the batter unnoticed for the second time in a month. Amazing!

Speaking of baking, I have to make a cake tomorrow night. We have wonderful news in the family. Art's sister Tracy's house passed inspection by the county building inspector today. The contractor is all but finished with the repairs from the fire damage. She can start moving in now. Art's parents are gleeful over the phone. I'm sure everyone will be happy to get back to normal after six weeks of displacement (and overcrowding). Back to the cake, I don't know which building inspector gave the final okay, but he's getting a cake!

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