Monday, May 9, 2011


Alex is very into "elements" and "symbols". I think it's due to the cartoons he watches - elements from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and symbols from superhero stuff. This morning before school he brought me a piece of paper with "his symbols" on it. It had four line drawings starting with a heart on top, a swirl below it, then a lightning bolt and finally, a star. Catchy little logo, I thought, maybe he's going to be artistic like his Uncle Brad.

"Do you know what they stand for, Mom?" Um, no. What? "Love, mind control, power and plans." I was pretty much speechless with that bit of news. Mind control? Really? What kind of TV is Art letting him watch? I thought America's Funniest Home Videos was the worst. Now the child is plotting world domination through mind control. I'm just hoping he remembers his good ol' mom when he's a global tyrant.

Speaking of which, I went to an elegant and lovely Mother's Day Tea at the school on Friday. The children sang "What a Wonderful World" for us, told us one at a time why their mom was special, then served us lemonade and cookies. They weren't even allowed to eat until the moms were gone. (And I thought they showed particular good grace in not rushing us out the door.) I'll try to figure out how to post the video here. I got the camera for Christmas but haven't investigated how to get the movies out of the camera. It was impressive. They did a bang up job with the table settings. Lots of pink and flowers were in evidence. Each place had a decorated frame with your child's picture, a card with a poem composed in your honor and a gift they made in art. (I got a necklace made of clay and it matched what I was wearing.)

Speaking of what I wore, the night before, teasing Alex, I asked what I should wear for the tea. Alex thought for a minute. "Prettier, but it's not the prom." So, something between business casual and semi-formal? I went with my floral Easter dress and a cardigan. He was fine with that. He thought I should have a corsage but I explained with my allergies it might just kill me. Thankfully, he dropped the idea.

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