Thursday, May 5, 2011

Whistler's Mother

Alex has been trying to whistle for months. His younger cousin Will learned how a couple of months ago and Alex was horrified that a 4-year-old could do it when he couldn't. He solicited advice from Papa, who taught Will. That helped some. I wasn't much help. I could show him how I did it, but couldn't really explain it to him. Somehow on his own at school he managed to pick it up. That was about a month ago.

I now hear whistling in my sleep. Literally! He sometimes whistles when he wakes up in the wee hours (5:47 a.m. recently). He is whistling at this very moment while I type and while he is home sick [written 5/2/11] on the couch, between sips of water and nibbles of crackers. He whistles at people, birds, dogs and anything else he can think of. Occasionally he whistles to answer questions. I think I've broken him of that - I explained (okay, not very calmly)that we humans can't understand whistles and we must SPEAK to each other.

I blame Star Wars. Specifically, R2D2.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Shelley, I am laughing so hard! That is a hilarious story. Keep them coming!!!!
