Friday, April 2, 2010

Catching Up on Other News

Things I have missed in the past week. The car continued to turn against me. The other evening at the library, I dropped my keys getting out (unbeknownst to me) and locked them inside. Luckily Art was home and able to come unlock the doors for us when we came out and realized we were stranded. Actually, he drove into the library parking lot, rolled his window down and clicked the button. Alex said, "I didn't believe he'd come." I'm not sure why he thought Art would leave us there but we are keeping our eyes on him.

Friday's show and tell was "T" and as Alex and I were talking before he went to sleep I asked what he wanted to take. He answered as if he'd thought about it all week - "toast." Oh, okay. So, Friday morning as we were finishing our preparations to leave, I popped a piece of bread into the toaster oven. When it was done, I laid it out on the counter to cool so that I could put it in a bag. When I was ready I called Alex to come get his jacket on.

Alex: "Where's my toast?"
Me: "I put it over there on the counter."

Now some of you who know Alex may say the problem here. I honestly did not think of it until right at this moment:

Alex: "That's not enough for everybody!"

Oh, he wanted me to make toast for his entire class and take it to school for show and tell. We definitely did not have enough bread for his whole class. Even if we did, I was not taking 15+ cold pieces of toast for his class to snack on. I convinced him that we could cut the toast into quarters and we ended up taking 16 squares. His teacher thought toast was a great idea. I was happy that he'd thought of it on his own, without us having to go through everything in the house that started with the letter T. When I picked him up Friday the toast bag was still mostly full. I asked why they didn't eat it. "Well, Julian took two squares and I was afraid there wasn't going to be enough for everyone, so I put the rest back in my cubby." Love that logic of his.

I thought it would be fun for us to go to a concert last weekend. Billy Jonas is a really fun children's music singer that they play on the kids' satellite radio station. When I asked Alex if we should go he said no. I explained that it was a concert, the singer was really going to be there and that he was someone we listened to on the radio. "Then we can hear him on the radio." Obviously. Why would we travel across town for that?

The Abbott and Costello film fest continues, courtesy of Netflix. This week we've been through "Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops" and "Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." I wasn't here for the first one but Art said he'd never heard Alex laugh so hard. The second one was interesting for me because we'd seen pretty much the exact same plot on Tom and Jerry a few days before.

Alex discovered Tom & Jerry a few months ago. They play them early on Saturdays on Cartoon Network. I came in last Saturday to see the two of them playing nice and I asked Alex what the deal was. His explanation? "Sometimes they have friendship, sometimes it's a trap." I think that is Tom & Jerry in a nutshell.

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