Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

The allergy monster has been running amok around here. I think I'm finally getting it under control but it's been miserable. The neighborhood is beautiful, just everything is dusted in yellow. The azaleas are towards the end of their run, and the dogwoods, too. While I love the beautiful flowers I can't wait for everything to finish blooming!

So, to catch up on my Alex stories for the past week or so. From yesterday, when we were discussing baldness for no reason:

Alex: Krabby is bald.
Me: He is? He doesn't have ANY hair?
Alex: Mom, he's a crab.

Should have seen that one coming. He also had a big announcement to make last week. He broke it to me and Art:

Alex: There's going to be some changes around here.
Art: Oh, really? Like what?
Alex: Well, first, I'm going to watch TV every night. Except when I'm bad at school. And, I'm going to floss every day.
Me: Is that all?
Alex: No, I'm going to get a baby brother, too.
Me: From where?
Alex: The doctor.

A few days later he mentioned the baby brother again.

Me: You're still getting a baby brother?
Alex: Remember, Mom?! CHANGES!
Me: Are you flossing every day?
Alex: Oh, not yet.

It turns out that Richie, a three-year-old at his school, just got a baby brother. I told Alex maybe he should see how it turned out for Richie before he rushed into anything.

In other school news yesterday they learned about "Feathered Friends" and Cade's dad brought one of their own personal chickens to meet the class. Poor bird. Alex did a great impression of it being "startled" by Noah and flapping across the room. Startled was his word, not mine. I figure it was more scared to death.

The big news around here these days is the impending visit by Mimi and Paw. Alex is doing a countdown. They are coming the day after Show and Tell, AND he gets to stay home from school two days to visit them. Way exciting!

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